Bacca Bucci Safety Checklist
Your Well being is our top priority . Here's everything we are doing to keep you Safe .
1. No Contact Delivery :- All our delivery partner's have been trained for proper sanitization & social distancing norm & carry an official permission to operate.
2. Safe Packaging :- All necessary precaution have been taken while packing your order . Delivery bags, vehicle & devices are cleaned at the start & end of the route. All our packing staff are temperature screened on daily basis & it is mandatory to wear hand gloves & shield while packing the products.
3.Mandatory Sanitization :- All our warehouse and pack station are daily sanitized with disinfect machine and employees have been instructed to wash hands frequently. Social distancing is practiced through-out the pack process .
4.Health Monitoring :- We have mandatory temperature checks of all our employees at entry gates , operation areas & work stations.We are also monitoring everyone heath and their a provision of self health declaration for all our employees at warehouse.

Feel Safe to Shop at Bacca Bucci !!